Try our virtual Queue management System & enhance Customer satisfaction & increase Cashflow with just an App…

Mobile screen displaying QueueAway app statistics for new customers, existing customers, people joining or leaving queue, completed appointments, and rejoined queue.
QueueAway's queue management systems logo for their queue app

Create a branded queue Management system your customers will love.

Try Our Queuing App Now, Free

What is QueueAway?

QueueAway is a simple queue management system tool to allow your clients to queue virtually.

Click here if you wish to know what is a queue management system?

QueueAway takes the pain out of waiting. Clients are given an estimated wait time, and then they can Queue remotely until they get a notification from you to say when you’re ready for them. 

Spend less time worrying about no-shows and tracking people down, and more time on taking good care of your clients.

QueueAway’s innovative concept allows this and will help make your business stand out. 

Hand holding smartphone displaying QueueAway app with client queue details.

No contract. No cancellation fees.

No hidden charges.

Just $19.99 / £14.99 a month, paid on a monthly basis on subscription via the Apple or Play Stores. That’s the price of a couple of cups of coffee, for a whole month’s worth of QueueAway

Dont’ just take our word for it

Stylized number 14,000 in green on a black background showing how many customers use QueueAway's queue management system of the queue app

queueaway User Accounts & climbing

Neon green outline of the number 50,000 on a black background, showing how many appointments created using QueueAways queue management system of the queue app

Queueaway slots used so far this year

Green outlined text on black background: £600K, showing how much revenue use QueueAways queue management system of their queue app

generated revenue VIA queueaway appoinments so far in 2024

Our Customers Love QueueAway!

ManCave Barbers have been using QueueAway since 2018.

Our app means they now have a chain of multiple stores and a database of loyal regular customers.

“I saw a new face walk in and they turned right around when they saw how many people were waiting. I realised we were losing potential new clients here, and I was at risk of losing more regulars if they had to wait all the time.

Now with QueueAway, my clients join my queue and go grab a coffee while they wait. It’s easy for new and existing clients alike. Now I have so many regular clients it’s fantastic.“


Here to help when you need us to be.

Our tech support team is on hand to provide help and support when you need it. Our aim is to keep your business flowing smoothly and we will give you direct access to our team just in case you need them.

Man wearing headset working on a computer in an office, showing the queue management system support


  • It’s very simple to set up, and our dedicated team can help you remotely whenever it is needed. QueueAway has kept a very simple user interface allowing quick and easy interaction, on any device that can download an app.

  • Clients can either download QueueAway and add themselves to your queue remotely on the App, or clients only have to enter their name and contact number when in your premises to use QueueAway, making it super simple and easy for anyone.

  • QueueAway takes the pain out of waiting. Giving your customers visibility into their estimated wait and the freedom to queue remotely while they wait. Then you notify them with a text message when you’re ready for them. Spend less time worrying about no shows and tracking people down, and more time on taking good care of your customers.

  • Don’t you hate it when a new face walks in the door and turns right around when they see how many people are waiting? You just lost a chance to turn a new customer into a regular client, and you can lose those regulars as well if they have to wait all the time. That is why it is critical to manage your busy times better. QueueAways innovative concept allows this and will help make your business the establishment of choice in your area.

  • No, QueueAway is run on a monthly basis, don’t want this amazing app anymore? Just cancel your subscription via you Apple or Play Store. No cancelation fees either, it would be sad to see you go, but we understand.

  • QueueAway is available at a price of £14.99/$19.99 per month payable via the Apple/Play Stores. Sending in-app notifications to clients is free of charge. Sending messages through WhatsApp is also free, however, if you decide to send an SMS, it will incur a cost of 4p through the Twilio test delivery service. Throughout your trial period, you are welcome to use our Twilio account at no additional cost.

  • Yes of course, most customisation can be done through your QueueAway Pro App.

    If you wish to have other functions, you can reach out to us to see what we can do.

  • You can run unlimited appointment slots with your QueueAway app.

  • Our dedicated support team will help you with any issues you have.

  • Of course we can give you a no obligation 1 month free trial.

    This can be done via the Apple or Google Stores

Need to ask us a question?

We are here to help. Drop our team a message using the contact box and a team member will respond as quickly as possible.